Zocteam Meeting Minutes - June 17, 2018

Table of Contents

June 17, 2018
2100-2215 UTC
Discord voice conference

Meeting called by: deadthings
Facilitator: deadthings
Timekeeper: deadthings
Note taker: deadthings
Type of meeting: Planning
Attendees: OwenRay, deadthings, cmelx
Absent: Evydder, lethax


Agenda Item: Progress on Dash/01coin merge and development of next wallet version

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Code merge completed, effectively fast-forwarding the 01coin core through eight months’ worth of security and functionality development updates
  • Unit tests adapted, fixed and functional, thus making 01coin one of the most secure and thoroughly-tested Dash clones
  • Premine-disabling code modernized and made more secure to facilitate successful unit test completion
  • Alert system removed as per current Bitcoin standard due to undesirable centralized nature of feature
  • Next release will be a mandatory upgrade enforced at a certain (as-of-yet undetermined) blockheight
  • Next release will include a reskinned GUI for the QT versions
  • Default ports will change in next release to 10001 for P2P and 10101 for RPC to avoid any further potential conflicts with webmin use of port 10000 on some systems (during transition period between release and protocol enforcement, both current and next-gen ports will be supported)
  • Masternode collateral discussed and unanimous consensus was that it will remain 1000 coins
  • Pre-release version currently undergoing testnet testing

Action Items:

  • Continued testnet testing; Responsibility: zocteam; Deadline: July
  • Reskinned QT GUI; Responsibility: Jesson & Splendid; Deadline: July
  • Version release; Responsibility: OwenRay & cmelx; Deadline: July

Agenda Item: Trello to-do list

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • IPv6 support for masternodes removed as a to-do item based on result of first community debate
  • OwenRay will investigate whether the code merge successfully improved file permissions and the syntax of line 1038 of main.cpp to determine if these tasks are still necessary
  • Duplicate cards re: reskinning the GUI QT wallet merged
  • Evydder to continue fulfilling feature requests for Discord bot and refining the ZOC market enhancement feature
  • Masternode explorer options reviewed (i.e., zerooneninja)
  • Mining pool recommendation portal assigned; implementation into Discord bot to be reviewed
  • Implementation of the full governance-enabled release to be completed by end of Q4

Action Items:

  • Confirm file permission / main.cpp issues resolved; Responsibility: OwenRay & cmelx; Deadline: June
  • Recommend masternode explorer solution; Responsibility: OwenRay, cmelx, Evydder; Deadline: June
  • Complete mining pool portal & include in website; Responsibility: Splendid; Deadline: July
  • Complete current roster of Discord bot feature requests; Responsibility: Evydder; Deadline: June
  • Continue refining ZOC market enhancement feature; Responsibility: Evydder & deadthings; Deadline: July

Agenda Item: Marketing and promotional activities

Discussion and Conclusions:

  • Generic "marketing" Trello card to be better defined and split into more task-specific cards
  • In the wake of our successful CryptalDash campaign, the ZOC and BTC donation funds will no longer be earmarked for exchange listing fees, but rather for marketing and promotional opportunities
  • During "Phase 0" we will continue to pursue "free" or volunteer-based marketing strategies unless a unique opportunity presents itself; Fee-based marketing will be withheld until "Phase 1" (i.e., the use-case phase of the project)
  • Bisq decentralized exchange integration to be completed and confirmed
  • 01coin will be included in the 2nd CryptalDash airdrop promo campaign starting June 20th
  • Further pursuit of potential Crex24 exchange listing will recommence upon new wallet release
  • A listing on a masternode monitoring service that provides email or text alerts is desired to complement our current MNO listing
  • Based on this discussion and other information, an official project roadmap will be designed
  • Whitepaper about 1/3rd completed, scheduled for a Q3 release

Action Items:

  • Pursue “free” / social media marketing strategies; Responsibility: zocteam; Deadline: Q2-Q3
  • Complete and confirm Bisq implementation; Responsibility: Evydder; Deadline: June
  • Coordinate with CryptalDash for airdrop promo; Responsibility: deadthings & lethax; Deadline: June
  • Coordinate with Crex24 re: listing upon next wallet release; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: July
  • Choose and get listed on MN service that provides status alerts; Responsibility: deadthings & OwenRay; Deadline: June
  • Create a project roadmap; Responsibility: deadthings & Jesson; Deadline: June
  • Complete first draft of project whitepaper for internal review; Responsibility: deadthings; Deadline: July

Other Information

Observers: None
Resources: https://trello.com/b/oTHwfsge/zero-one-coin-a-team
Special notes: The short-term result of this particular meeting will be the design and release of an official project roadmap. The long-term result will be the completion of “Phase 0” in Q4 with the implementation of the complete 01coin Community governance solution. Once that milestone has been reached, the project will enter “Phase 1” wherein the community will have an opportunity to propose, nominate and vote on potential development ideas in terms of both use-case scenarios and marketing initiatives.

Last updated on 16th Jan 2021